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​The Diary, holds the aspects of my writings that directly involve my life. It includes my moments of pain, passion and all the jaw dropping scripts written by life and directed by reality. I may be a major character in some, but somehow, I mostly play the minor roles, because I'm still a student to life and i'll never stop learning till I graduate with a class of perfection. Ladies and gentlemen, meet my world in writing.





The Family

Once upon a time in Cape Coast, I met this family; a dad, a mum and three kids. For three years I knew this family, even though I doubt they’ll ever know I exist. Anytime around 9-10pm, you'll meet them around Kingsway right next to a bookshop on the Barclays Bank to Castle road. Wondering what they do there? Well, that was their home, at least for the 3 years I knew them. They lived under the shelter of an awning in front of the bookshop.


Around that time they cooked dinner, if not their only meal for the day. Mum made the fire right by the gutter on the other side of the road and cooked; I still hang a perfect picture of that black cooking pot on my mind, fresh as yesterday. They all ate together, but the size of that pot couldn’t contain enough. Late by 11pm, they were off to bed; mum and dad slept on one side of the awning covered in a piece of cloth, and kids on the other side also covered by a little piece of cloth that seem to deny their feet shelter from the cold breeze.


For the many years, I walked by, they never asked for a thing from anybody or me. I never knew what they did for a living, and truthfully, I was scared to offer a hand that would just not be enough to sustain them for even a minute. But anytime I went to a place close by, like my favorite spot, Oasis, I always stayed out late enough so I could take a walk by their ‘home’ to feel the satisfaction that they are fine and hoped to find a clue how I could help them. But three years faded away, and I couldn’t find the courage to offer a helping hand.


Somehow, I miss them and still hold regrets for not trying to help at least. Wherever you are, little family, forgive me for not being the answer to your prayer, but you thought me a great truth about the reality of life; that you don’t have to have it all to give enough! So thank you for being teachers in my life. I pray grace find you, happiness become your new awning, and your black pot fills with satisfaction to its brim. Forgive me.




04 - The Family


Fathering A Father

It was one tiring day; I picked up a public transport from Kumasi to Obuasi. It was quite late; sunset was long gone and my eyes yearned for a closure. I rested my head on the seat in front, and took a little stroll to Dreamland. Somehow, the bumpy road couldn’t kick me out of this paradise; guess that’s the measure of how much I needed a rest. Yet somewhere half the way, something knocked me back to reality. It was a voice.

A voice more of an order; fascinating because it sounded like a child. There he was; a boy of about seven years, telling a man, I figured was his father, what to do. He really sounded like a boss and won the stare of almost everybody on the bus.
The bus had stopped, and as late as it was, people were rushing for the vacated spot. First he blocked everyone from entering the car before himself with his tiny muscles but huge talk and allowed his dad inside first, then he ordered his dad to sit at a preferred spot he chose which was right next to me and finally stood in front of his dad squeezing himself in that little space but his dad came to his rescue and told him to sit on his lap. All this while, I was staring at this little boss beating myself hard not to judge him; for my lifestyle gives me so much experience that taught me a lesson, never to judge people if you don’t really know them. Well, we are not here for me, so let’s get back to the story.

Everybody in the bus was quiet for a moment, as I wore a smile and went back where my head lay, not to Dreamland this time, but debating with my thoughts. About five minutes on it seemed the passengers had been waiting for one last word from this kid to get to their final threshold to burst their hearts out. Well he finally gave them more than a word, so the massacre began. I described the “moral lessons” they gave this kid a massacre because it was harsh with insults but the most surprising thing was against my expectations; this so called disrespectful kid never uttered a word back at them. He instead dozed off. I could feel his tiredness was genuine as he tried to stay awake and fell helpless on my shoulder a bunch of times.

Where they were heading seemed to be known only to the boy, for the dad made it obvious as he kept disturbing the boy to be extra cautious so they don’t bypass a particular junction. The kid in return assured his dad he knows his way; a sound that didn’t go well with his critics, it drove them back to their insanity.
His voice echoed through the bus one last time as he woke suddenly to find the junction he sought. He shouted at the bus attendant who expressed his feeling about the kid and his sudden shout in one sentence but a very uncomfortable insult.

Silence finally took over the bus, a dead silence that ruled throughout the remainder of the journey right after the kid and his dad alighted. Now wondering what happened? The kid got down first and gave his final order to his dad, he told him there is a big gutter where the bus parked so he should step close to the bus and pull out his stick. The dad obeyed and finally the kid held his hand and helped him cross the gutter. Now I couldn’t hide my smile, I finally won the debate against my own judgment; i found a reason to his bossy nature with a simple question. How can you lead a blind man if you are not going to tell him what to do all the time? His dad was blind, and that is the destiny that chose this little boy. No matter how we felt about him, to life he had the perfect character that qualified him to be the eye and father of a blind father.

Sometimes we are all quick to judge, me inclusive, and I’m guessing its human nature; but maybe it’s time to listen, watch and learn from people than judge them with our words. This kid taught me a lesson I’ll never forget, and I’m sure every passenger shared this view with me throughout their final silence. Nature made each one of us, a perfect fit for the very purpose we are chosen for in life. We are not made to suite the expectations of the world. So find your purpose, before you decide to change the precious creation you are in order to fit into life. Let’s learn to think positive by putting ourselves in others shoes, before we judge them and let’s learn to see good before we see evil in people for no one knows what the future holds in her hands.




03 - Fathering A Father


A Quest To Know God



It all started with rap. It took a moment, a heartbeat and a sharp feel of guilt to ride me on this journey; seeking a true relationship with God!

Everything in my life started crushing in the beams of the sun, mistakes of the greatest. Regrets and pain covering my thoughts every moment I see myself in the mirror. Will things forever be like this? I'm not the prayer type, so don't even think me to pray. Already, I seem to have a beef with God! Why He watched my dreams shutter? The moment I turned my back from the battle field and decided to forget about God, my anger took over the throne of my thoughts. I still don't know if that scared God to bring me back all my forgotten dreams on a bright Monday morning. Surprised? I didn't get it the easy way though, but I asked God 'Why?' Why start all over a forgotten dream? Questions I needed no answers to but the bottom line was I had what I was looking for!

This story may get boring with time but I cannot change that, because in reality it was one hell of a boring life. Just be patient, and feel my heartbeat as the story build. In the early hours of 1st March 2010, I called my mum to wish her happy birthday. When she picked up on the other end, I heard fear, garnished with tears in her voice: my dad was sick! I can't describe that much, but to the doctors it might be the end of the struggle at his age and condition, the only way was a surgery which was a greater risk. Unstable mind state - I had to see him! It was worse than the hearings. At this time, even the devil will yearn to say a prayer! A miracle more than walking on water saved my dad's life.

As the story draws closer, one morning on my way to a lecture, something run through my mind that made me feel like praying but I didn't know where to begin and actually I was feeling lazy so I started 'freestyling' (rapping) a prayer. Then something I said made me stop. I can't recall the exact line since I was just freestyling, but it was something like,' I doing my side of a deal, and God failing to fulfill His side of it' - a reflection of the pain in my heart about God. Then I thought of the line. The next word that rushed out of my mouth was, ' FUCK!' The words I rapped out was actually a back flip. I think God wrote that rap on my mind. Let me satisfy your curiosity, in both miracles God sent me above, I made Him a promise I was going to live my life for Him! He did His part by bringing me back that lost dream and went on to save my dad and yet I didn't do my side of it - living for God! Let me confess, I made the first deal because I knew it was impossible for a comeback. The second, I knew the chances were little and I just couldn't afford to lose my dad. Betrayal of the greatest!

Questions started flooding my mind, trying harder to find excuses for myself like; I haven't done anything real bad since the deal? But my own rules fought me back; don't find excuses not to do the things you ought to do. I accepted my fault, apologized to God and began my quest to seek how I can live for God! Is it about going to church every day? Is it about quitting all the bad things I do? - That will be a boring life, I thought! Thinking about the streets, the girls, my addictions, above all the money - I was like hell no, I can't leave all these for a church life! All this while I was just talking to God, trying to lure Him to forget this deal ever happened. But street life has a rule that says a deal is a deal, a promise is a promise and needs to be done even if it takes your life, so I said fine, I'll do my side of it. This is when my journey began.




02 - A Quest To Know God



She walked out of the glass door of the hospital to the corridor slowly; saving the last strength in her spine for an obvious lone journey back home. I'm not good with reading age from faces, but my thoughts will drive me to hang seventy years or more around her neck. She leaned slowly to grasp a chair that was patiently waiting in the corridor, and sat with a face left bare to an unhidden sorrow.

In her right hand she held a drug, likely to be an eye drop, and started talking to the drug. The winds reluctantly drove her faint voice away from my then eager ears but I could read the signs in her eyes perfect as the writings of a kindergarten teacher.

She was begging the drug, asking it to please work this time. I could sense the voice of her mind wailing how tired she is coming over and over again in the name of comfort and always leaving with drugs that just don’t work.

She tied the drug to her cloth and looked up to the roof, with a sigh buried in hopelessness. She took a deep breath as I passed by her.

In my mind, I could only say a prayer channeled from Matthew; saying, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” As I walked passed her in my white coat, I felt so limited to help and for a moment I wished I had the power to heal. So I whispered to her soul, “never give up, somebody cares.”

Today is 1st February, 2013. I was returning from a clinical session at the medical block of Korle-bu Teaching Hospital, when I met this old woman. Her pain cut right through my heart, so I decided to write in replacement to the tear I couldn’t shed.

“God never forsakes!”




01 - 1st February 2013
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